Zumba West Cork

If you’ve ever watched a Zumba class, you’ve probably noticed its uncanny resemblance to the dance floor of a popular club on a Saturday night.

Instead of the grunts you’d hear at your typical CrossFit or indoor cycling class, a Zumba class boasts catchy dance music, clapping hands, and even the occasional “Woo!” or gasp of excitement from an enthusiastic participant.

Zumba is a workout featuring movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dance, performed to music. It’s become a popular and trendy workout across the globe.

But is it effective in burning calories, toning your arms, and sculpting muscles?

Designed as a combination of salsa and aerobics, there’s no right or wrong way to do Zumba. As long as you move to the beat of the music, you’re participating in the exercise.

And since Zumba involves movement of the entire body — from your arms to your shoulders and to your feet — you’ll get a full-body workout that doesn’t feel like work.

Corey Macri